
Marketing officer

Administration and office roles image

You’ll be responsible for raising the profile of your organisation and making it more attractive to potential clients and staff.

Your role might include:

  • planning and delivering public relations campaigns (PR)
  • making contact with local and national press and media
  • developing and maintaining the company website
  • writing and designing promotional material such as articles, leaflets and brochures
  • identify and book promotional opportunities such as online advertising.


What skills, experience and qualifications do I need?

Each role will require different experience and qualifications.

Everyone working in social care needs English, number, digital and employability skills including team work and problem solving skills.  outlines some of the skills you need and has short activities to help you think about transferable skills from your previous experiences.

It’s also really important that you have the right  in social care.

How do I get started?

Depending on where you work and your level, you’ll usually need to have previous experience or a relevant qualification. This could be a marketing qualification or an marketing apprenticeship. Read more from  about specific qualifications and training.

You could also apply for an apprenticeship which means you’ll gain experience, gain a qualification and earn a wage. This is a great route into an administration role; you could speak to your employer about opportunities or find vacancies on the Thinking about doing an apprenticeship page.

If you’re currently working in social care, speak to your employer about opportunities to work in a marketing role.



Case studies

  • Melissa Hall
    Melissa has HR responsibilities at care agency CareBIG, and is responsible for recruiting and selecting carers for the agency.
  • Sales and marketing manager- Mike Allistone
    Mark works as a sales and marketing manager and is responsible for promoting seven care services in the organisation.
  • Office manager- Julie Allen
    Julie works as an office manager and has a varied role including training, supervision, interviewing and writing care plans.

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